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My Commitment to the Planet

Emma here! 

Sustainability is at the heart of everything I do, both professionally and personally. 

I am committed to finding ways to reduce my impact on the environment and work with others who share the same values.

 My core values are deeply ingrained in both my business and personal life so I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my footprint through both.

I strongly believe transparency in sustainability is key so I have also included areas of improvement and the steps I am taking to do better.

So lets lay it all out on the table!


My Business Impact

As an Ethical Virtual Assistant, I am always looking for ways to reduce my impact with my business. Below are some ways I currently do this.
  • Email providers are hosted through Google and have been carbon-neutral since 2017. 
  • 18 trees and counting have been planted through using Ecosia as my day to day search engine.
  • My domain hosting is with Greengeeks, The company matches three times the energy their servers consume through renewable sources. Further, they also plant a tree for every hosting account commissioned on their platform.
  • My business bank account is with Bank Australia which is customer-owned, they purchase land for conservation, and recently partnered with Indigenous Business Australia to help them in helping their First Nations customers purchase their first homes! 
  • My Super is through Australian Ethical Super so my money is only invested in places that align with my values
  • Everything is done online! Contracts, meetings, note taking etc which means I am a paperless workplace to avoid unnecessary waste. 
  • I make a commitment to cleaning up my digital waste by unsubscribing (and also helping my clients do the same) from unwanted subscription-based emails.
  • My preferred project management tool is Asana – Carbon neutral since Earth Day 2019 and their office kitchens are zero waste.
  • I use my platform online to promote and educate people on ways to be more sustainable and act with current/future generations and the planet in mind

My Personal Impact

  • Any flights I take, I always offset the carbon.
  • Vegan for the planet for over 4 years! And vego for 3 prior to that

  • Products I use that are low waste & friendly – natural deodorant, DIY cleaning spray, my gorgeous keep cup from Cuptain Planet, shampoo bars, Sunslayer Sunscreen etc.

  • I am a recycling hoarder! Ill hold onto items for as long as it takes for me to take it to the proper place to be recycled – Soft plastic goes to REDcycle bins, (when in operation) electronic waste and old batteries go to Officeworks.

  • I live a very minimalist life (vanlife will do that to you!) And use only around 50L of water a week, where as living in a home, the average person uses 340l a day!
  • Living in my car means I am off grid, I’m never connected to a power source that doesn’t come from my car or dual battery which are charged through driving and solar power
  • Opt for the 30 wears rule, if I wont wear it 30 times, I don’t buy it. And only buy from brands whose values align with mine. This has resulted in only having brought 5 new clothing items in 2022
  • I speak up. I’ll emailed countless organisations and businesses encouraging better policies to help both theirs and their customers  footprint. The more they know people are wanting change, the more likely they are to implement it
  • KickStarters I have been apart of fundraising for: include Sunslayer – reef safe and plastic free sunscreen and ZeroCo – a zero waste cleaning product company that uses ocean plastic to create their containers and work on a refillable system. And they will reuse the pouches used to send out your refills! Scrubba – A portable, compact washing bag!
Areas of improvement I am working on
  • Obviously traveling in my car full time is having a massive impact on my total carbon footprint. As I reach a year of travel, I intend calculate my footprint and offset the total amount.
  • Living in my car also restricts options, I am often in remote areas where shopping low waste is hard and recycling isn’t an option. I hold onto what I can until I can dispose of it correctly but I am always looking for ways to reduce my waste further. 
  • Donating 1% of my income is something I had in place in the past but removed due to various reasons. When I start back up again I intend to donate 50% to a climate focused organisation such as Climate force who are repairing the Daintree and the other 50% to a social impact organisation who are helping women and girls receive education in developing countries.

Target 13.3: Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning